Once upon a time...

....It was 8:30 in the evening and Jessica Harris felt a sudden burst of energy! She started to clean her room. And not just clean, but get rid of stuff that had been sitting around forever and had never been touched since the 3 years that she had lived in this room. It was not only this burst of energy that had compelled Jessica to do this, but she had been thinking of late. And she had determined that she needs to live with less and really get in the habit of keeping her room clear of stuff that she doesn't need. She began with her drawer full of papers and started sifting through all of the bank statements, letters, old cards, and other little things that needed recycling. She smiled as she read each card before putting it in the recycle pile. There was one more card and Jessica took it out of the envelope, opened it, and yelped in surprise! Her hand came to her mouth in shock as she beheld...a nice crisp $50 bill! She then proceeded to laugh for the next 5 minutes at least. See, cleaning your room can be fun. And just look how God blesses the one who does!

The End
(Actually not quite, next I plan on going through my clothes...who knows what I will find in my closet!)



Wow! I wonder if that would happen if I cleaned MY room...:D

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