my mind lately.

The answers to all life's questions right here. Haha...not even! But I hope you get something out of my ramblings......

As Christians, we say we want to give our all to God…for God. And maybe we do. At least I do. But it's hard to know what that looks like in this country. The Bible says to be ready to suffer, and to be honest, I don't think I really suffer at all. I look at Christians in some countries who go through hunger, beatings, prison, and horrific situations, and I wonder why my faith doesn't cost me as much as it does them.

Anyhow, I read a little booklet tonight from Watchman Nee called, "Have a Mind To Suffer." All 4 chapters are based on 1 Peter 4:1, which says, "Forasmuch then as Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind…." All who serve God must have a mind to suffer.

The biggest revelation I got from this book (and maybe you have already had this revelation) is that, "it is not about how much you suffer but how much you are willing to suffer." I have to ask myself, "When I am in the most favourable position, do I still possess the mind to suffer?
And then there's the opposite. Isn't it true that there are people who suffer greatly yet don't have the mind to suffer? I think I have been guilty of both of these situations. When I go through something tough sometimes all I do is complain and wine about it. And when life is good, I don't have a mind or heart prepared to suffer.
"Having the mind to suffer speaks of my readiness before God to suffer. I am willing to go through trials, and I choose the path of hardship. It is up to the Lord whether or not to put suffering in my path, but on my part I am always prepared to suffer. Thus when His providential changes comes and trials fall upon me, I will not be surprised but rather feel that this is what I should go through in the first place."

And what I find so awesome is that the devil has NO HOLD on us if we have this mindset. If you have a mind to suffer and you stand up and declare to the devil that you will keep serving no matter what trial comes your way, then when Satan threatens you with suffering, you stand firm and the devil flees. Check it out! Revelation 12:11 says, "They overcome him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death." To that Watchman Nee asks, "What can the Enemy do if your conscience is void of offence, you have the word of the testimony of Christ's victory, and you love not your life even unto death? The Enemy has NO WAY in the slightest to deal with those who love not their lives." Wow!!
When this attitude is lacking (willing to suffer even to death) I find I am tempted with the very things of which I am afraid. Without a mind to suffer we are subject to Satan's attacks at the very point of our fears. And I think it can be true what Watchman Nee says here. "The failure of God's workmen can be plainly perceived right here - that they love their lives too much. "

I think it's important to state that God does not desire to see His people suffer, but still, that is not to say that He does not test His children. He gives grace to teach and discipline us through trails.
I don't think we should go searching for suffering. God likes to bless His children and we shouldn't say no to these blessings just because we think we need to put ourselves through more suffering. Does that makes sense? Does any of this make sense?

Closing quote: "According to God's providence, we may not have to suffer many pains; yet because we desire to serve Him, we gladly choose a path which differs from the common one. And this is what is meant by having a mind to suffer.'



That's a really good reminder Jess! I agree with what you've pointed out too, about how the Devil has absolutely no hold on us. 'Cause if we already have a mind to suffer, then there's nothing we aren't willing to go through that he could us against us. Plus, we know that if we're going through something, it's so we can be better refined to be like Christ. =D Good post!

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