the move in a rediculously small nutshell


I am sitting in my new room, which is actually really cool because we didn't have internet for a couple of days and I could only find wireless in the living room. Now I can be wherever I please. Adina already has some new little neighbour friends and right now one of them is playing "Oh Canada" on the piano and I hear my mom saying, "Oh hello. Who are you?" Speaking of new neighbours I have met only one and he is 5 years old. I can't remember what his name is. Maybe Michael? Anyways I pulled in the driveway yesterday and before I could even step out of the van he eagerly announced...

"Hi, you're our new neighbours!"
"Oh yeah? And what's your name?"
"Michael. What's your name?"
"My name is Jessica."
"Hi Jessica."
"Hi Michael."

I had my backpack which helped continue this exciting conversation. He asked...

"Are you getting back from school?"
"No, I don't go to school anymore. I work"
"Are you a teenager?"
"Yes I am"
"You're a teenager and you work?!"

Twas fun.

Moving went fairly smoothly on Wednesday. The piano exceeded all other furniture in difficulty and took about 5 or 6 guys to move it out and then in our new house. The only way we could get it in this house here is through the sunroom. So that's where it shall stay. The sunroom has got to be the nicest room in the house, though, and I really like having it in there. It's a peaceful room that looks out to the backyard, a backyard that reminds me of a secret garden.

It really is a beautiful house and I love it much already. It has yet to feel like home, though. I keep thinking that we are going to go home soon, after dinner, perhaps. It's a strange feeling of being displaced...which is exactly what we were, I guess. :P
So Wednesday we moved all of our stuff and Thursday we unpacked allot of boxes. I haven't touched any of my boxes yet except to shove them in my huge closet. I have no motivation at all to unpack anything because I won't be in this room for too long and then I will be moving to the basement. Besides, all I really need is my bed, lappy, and Bible. I have a feeling I will get rid of allot once I've realized I can live so long without it.
Friday I went back to work. It was a relief to have some normality back in my life. I also babysat last night, and I had that same feeling of having something stable, which was nice.

Do you know what it's like to go on vacation and, because every routine and stable thing is gone, God is kind of pushed to the side? That's what it feels like now with moving. I hate that. It makes it seem like God is just a routine thing that I do and once I'm thrown out of that routine He goes with it. He has been teaching me in this area, to be in His presence all the time, even when things are crazy and abnormal. HE never changes. I can take comfort and be at home with Him no matter whether I feel at home physically or not.

So, maybe I'll post photos later. I should probably take some first because people here haven't taken many photos yet. I'll see what I can find.

Until next time,


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